Oh just a little update ya'll...
I know I mentioned my CNN iReport in my last blog and the talk of perhaps being part of a story on CNN. I am glad to say that the story was posted a few weeks ago and ended up being on the front page of CNN.com! Very exciting. It was as great article. If you didnt get a chance to check it out, here is the link.
I've read the article a lot...maybe my part more than others... but mostly because it still weirds me out that I even made it on there... anyway there is one part of the article that I'd like to talk about for just a sec.
When I made the decision to have surgery, believe it or not I did receive scrutiny. Maybe I am super naive but I was definitely not expecting some of the responses I got. I heard things like, "Why would you cut off a healthy part of your body?" or "I think you are making this decision way too fast, you just found out you have the gene" or "Two people I know have breast cancer and they think what you are doing is crazy." When these things are said to me, I have to hold my tongue and remind myself that the people who say them have never had an experience with cancer. I don't expect them to understand. I don't expect anyone to understand really and I don't feel like I have to justify anything to anyone when it is MY body. With that said, a girl in the article was tested for the breast cancer gene at 22. She tested postive. She thought surgery was too drastic and opted for monthly breast exams and check ups. 3 years later she was diagnosed with breast cancer. 25 years old. My age.
I have nothing else to say about that.
32 days
Last time I posted it was 67 days till surgery. Time has been flying by. I quit my job to start preparing. I am focusing on finishing up school right now since my last final is the day before my surgery.
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