Monday, August 13, 2012

The Trifecta

So friends, I've told you that this BRCA2 gene raises my risk for breast cancer by leaps and bounds, but what I haven't told you yet is that it also raises my risk for two other types of cancer, ovarian cancer and melanoma. Although the risk of these cancers aren't as high as the breast cancer risk, its still a significantly higher risk than most people have out there. So along with closely monitoring my breasts and planning for surgery to remove them, I also have to closely monitor my ovaries and my skin, and decide which preventative measures I want to take.

Today I went to the 'lady doctor'. If you are squeamish I would stop reading now. Just kidding. Although it seems very typical of me to go into great detail at this point, because I have no shame, I am keeping this blog PG rated. You will be glad to know that today was just a face to face meeting with my doctor, not a face to... PG rated.
First question out of her mouth was "Eryn when would you like to remove your ovaries?" "Um well um well um I want to have kids, so not any time soon." The rest of the conversation is blurry. I never thought that at 24 years old I would be having to discuss a timeline for having kids and removing my ovaries with a doctor.  Having to think about all this so early in my life is really weird and at times it's really hard not to go into overthinking mode and start picturing myself as Jennifer Aniston circa 2011... Oh wait she is engaged now!
SO, at the end of the appointment today, my doctor scheduled me for an ultra sound, which I will have to have done on my ovaries every 6 months until I decide to get them removed. If you know what this consists of you can agree with me when I say OH JOY.
Next week I have my first appointment with a surgical oncologist. We will be discussing the plans for my preventative mastectomy which I am hoping to have in December of this year, fingers crossed!

Thank you all for the prayers and encouragement y'all.
